Recent News
The City of Reidsville Downtown Development Authority
The City of Reidsville Downtown Development Authority will hold a meeting at Reidsville City Hall on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025, at 5:30 p.m.
Swearing In of Lieutenant Cory McCoy
Today Mayor Nail swore in Lieutenant Cory McCoy. Lieutenant McCoy comes to us from Bryan County. You will be seeing him and our new Chief Lynn and Sergeant Cameron around starting this week, December 16th! We are pleased to have these officers join our Police Department, and happy to have Chief Lynn, and Assistant Chief Snell all working together with our officers.
Merry Christmas!
With help from our citizens and the Vidalia Moose Lodge, we are pleased to be a part of Kiwanis Christmas gifts for families in our city. We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, and giving is a much better feeling than receiving!
Police Officer Keeter, Promotion
Police Officer Benjamin Keeter was promoted to Corporal on November 18th, 2024. Pictures show Mayor Vickie Nail and Acting Chief of Police Jermaine Snell.
Hurricane Helene
These are some photos taken within the city limits following Hurricane Helene.
2024 CDBG Summit Awards
The CDBG Summit took place in Athens, GA. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is a federally funded block grant program. Thank you, CDBG!
Ismaili Civic
We certainly appreciate the Ismaili Civic Organization coming all the way from Atlanta to offer free help to the citizens of Reidsville. We appreciate you all so much and will never forget your generosity.
City Wide Clean Up
The City of Reidsville’s annual Fall Citywide Cleanup will take place October 24th-28th, 2024. During the cleanup period, the City will have dumpsters available for residents at City Hall rear (facing Church Street) and at the rear of the old National Guard Armory at the corner of E. Brumby and Lloyd St.
Waterworks Appreciation Week
Waterworks Appreciation Week is May 19th - 25th. Thank you for all you do!
Police Appreciation Week
The week of May 12th - 18th is Police Appreciation week. Thank you for your service.
Cities Week 2024
Georgia Cities Week is a statewide event sponsored by the Georgia Municipal Association and celebrated across cities in Georgia. For this year's Cities Week, Mayor Vickie Nail had free ice cream, firetrucks, police cars, and a street sweeper for children to come visit.